powerHouse Books is pleased to announce the January 2011 release of
The Day After Tomorrow
Images of Our Earth in Crisis
By J Henry Fair With essays by James Hansen, Allen Hershkowitz, Jack Hitt, Roger D. Hodge, Frances Mayes, John Rockwell, and Tensie Whelan

The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis takes readers on a journey to bear witness to the environmental destruction that is currently plaguing our habitat; from a forested mountain in West Virginia blasted out of existence by mountaintop removal mining, to a region in Florida left in radioactive ruins by the phosphate mining industry, J Henry Fair presents hard evidence that our unchecked consumerism is leading the way in the destruction of the system that sustains us.
The primarily aerial images are mesmerizing vistas of pools of agitated paper mill waste, blood-red bauxite impoundments, and the remains of hollowed-out mountains. These environmental abstractions lure the viewer with unique asymmetrical shapes and striking colors; however, fascination quickly turns to horror, as the viewer realizes what lurks beneath the surface of each image.
Fair is a consummate environmentalist and after years as a corporate and portrait photographer he turned his lens on the industries of daily life—oil, fertilizer, coal, and factory farming, to name a few—eager to uncover the secrets that he knew were well hidden there. The recent BP Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is only the most glaring of the continuous impacts on our planet that are hastening our mortality and compromising our chances for long-term survival as a species. Above all, The Day After Tomorrow is a call to arms. Our ecosystem dies a little bit every second, and this trend will continue unless we take responsibility. Fair's images reveal the apocalyptic effects of our consumer culture's insatiable appetite for natural resources on the world we inhabit. Quickly revealed is the folly of an economy that, for toilet paper, wipes away forests, pollutes the air and water, and drains water supplies. These stunning and tragically beautiful images, in conjunction with a collection of essays by some of America's leading writers and scientists, provide indisputable evidence that the way we eat, commute, and manufacture is collectively killing us, and we must change the way we live if we expect our children to prosper.
For a preview of the book please visit:

J Henry Fair's work has been showcased internationally in museums and galleries, including Mass MoCA, Jerusalem's Museum on the Seam, and Gerald Peters Gallery in New York. His environmental work has received impressive press coverage, including features in Harper's, National Geographic, Discover, New York Magazine, and The Boston Globe, as well as a segment on NBC's The Today Show. Fair's work is represented in NYC and Santa Fe exclusively by Gerald Peters Gallery.
Hardcover, 12 x 9 inches, 144 pages, 80 full-color photographs
ISBN 978-1-57687-560-5   $39.95
For a preview of the book please visit:
High-res scans to your specification are available upon request; scanning from the book or lifting images from the mechanical file are strictly prohibited. Mandatory credit line: From The Day After Tomorrow: Images of Our Earth in Crisis by J Henry Fair, published by powerHouse Books.
For more information, please contact Joel Caceres, Publicity Associate
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