How to Touch What

An Artist's Book by Eve Sonneman and Lawrence Weiner

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ISBN: 9781576870792

An Artist’s Book by Eve Sonneman and Lawrence Weiner

Art / Photography / Adult Kid’s Books
6.25 x 7.25 inches
56 pages
54 four-color photographs
ISBN: 978-1-57687-079-2

“[Weiner’s] exchanges with Sonneman are sharp and oblique,
and each hones the other’s imagery….”
Art on Paper

World famous conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner and equally famed photographer Eve Sonneman have jointly produced what accurately may be regarded as a marriage of text and pictures. Weiner’s signature rubber stamp art work takes a uniquely literal turn by gracing, or “stamping,” Sonneman’s photographs, the first time his work has ever appeared in the context of another artist’s work. Sonneman’s seemingly straightforward snapshots oscillate between foreground and background matter, at the service of the stamps, and serve as a perfect foil for Weiner’s glib, sometimes post-ironic definitions of first-glance image content.

Delicately framed in scrapbook format on European lined paper, each pairing of images–just 50 in all–construct a wordplay in sight and sound all its own, creating a satisfying children’s book for adults to be enjoyed more with each repeated viewing. A perfect party favor for the visually literate.

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