I Know You Think You Know It All: Advice and Observations For You to Stand Apart in Public and Online

Chris Black

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Trim Size: 4-3/4 x 6-1/4
Page Count: 168
ISBN: 9781576877357

The Know-It-All can be spotted from a block away in most any city today, devoted to the latest microtrends, sure that he is an influencer, never realizing he is mostly just being influenced. Often seen with others who share a similar look and viewpoint, he does not have a clue how to march to the beat of his own drummer. He spends his time in what he thinks is his refined circle, whether in real life or online, and always knows “the best”, be it clothing, coffee, or culture. He is rarely without an opinion and doubts his own even less. He is largely without humor when the mirror is turned upon him. We’ve all seen and heard this type of guy in public and on social media: the classic jerk who thinks he always knows best. Chris Black is here to help you not become, or stop being him.

Life for Chris Black over the past twenty years has put him in close contact with many of these guys, as they regularly congregate in the creative industries: film, music, advertising, media, and fashion. He has worked in all of these businesses and his astute and witty observations could only come from one who needs to know what is current in pop culture to make a living, yet is routinely able to step back and rise above the noise to keenly survey the scene. We’ve all had cringe-worthy moments in our past, and many are experiencing them still every day, only to realize it down the road. The chances for such occurrences are greatly reduced with the advice in I Know You Think You Know it All. It’s not too late.


Chris Black is a writer, producer, and editor living in New York City. His agency, Done to Death Projects, has worked with New Balance, VICE, and Harry’s, among other clients. His Twitter feed offers “high level cultural commentary” and is required reading for discriminating members of the publishing, photography, music, filmmaking, fashion, and consulting worlds. Black writes a regular column for Style.com and frequently contributes to Inventory, The World’s Best Ever, and Yahoo. His connection to popular culture – whether creating it, critiquing it, or celebrating it – is constantly expanding and new collaborations, farther destinations, and greater inspirations always await.

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