Jet Lag: An Admans View of the World

by Jean-Marie Dru

$ 27.50

Order from the powerHouse Shop  

ISBN: 9781576876176

by Jean-Marie Dru

Business / Advertising
5.5 x 9 inches
336 pages
ISBN: 978-1-57687-617-6
$27.50 | $32 CAD

What is advertising if not a window on the world?

When a leader of one of the world’s most acknowledged advertising agencies, Jean-Marie Dru, talks ads, the tale he tells is his own. It is the story of brands such as Absolut, Adidas, Apple, Danone, Michelin, Nissan, Procter & Gamble, and many others with which he has been intimately connected over years.

Jet Lag is a journey, taking us from New York to Paris, from Tokyo to LA, and introducing key players like Carlos Ghosn, Édouard Michelin, Steve Jobs, and Muhammad Ali along the way. Dru leads us through some of the best business and advertising stories in the world, spawning an idea a minute as he pleads for a new Age of Imagination. Sudden reversal, unexpected mergers, and the roller coaster of success and failure provide the backdrop for a tale of world business in a globalized culture.

Good enough, as the saying goes, is not enough.
Enthusiasm is the key.

Born in 1947, Jean-Marie Dru began his career in advertising in 1971. In 1984, Jean-Marie Dru co-founded BDDP, which was acquired by Omnicom and merged with TBWA in 1998. He was named CEO of TBWA in January 2001 and Chairman in 2008. He has previously published Le Saut Créatif (Lattès, 1984), Disruption (John Wiley & Sons, 1996), and How Disruption Brought Order (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).

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