J. Henry Fair in Museum Magazine
J. Henry Fair in Museum Magazine
J. Henry Fair in Museum Magazine
LEO FUCHS on QC.com AND on Askmen.com!
Dana Gluckstein’s DIGNITY in PDN
KRS-ONE: A Rapper Who Looks Like a Magician
The New Yorker is MOVED by Joseph Rodríguez’s New Exhibit
TIME.com Features LEO FUCHS Slideshow!
Jim Mangan Interviewed for ESPN Action Sports
Slava Mogutin Shoots Kehinde Wiley—with a camera—for WhiteWall Magazine
DIGNITY Featured in Vogue Italia!
GAWKER loves LEO FUCHS: Special Photographer
J. Henry Fair, author of The Day After Tomorrow, audio interview with Orion Magazine
Dear Knights and Dark Horses Featured on SocialDocumentary.net!
CNN’s Rosemary Church Interview Dana Gluckstein
DIGNITY Selected as a “Chic Coffee Table Book” by MORE Magazine
Tomoaki Hata, author of The Night is Still Young, interviewed by The Advocate
LEO FUCHS: Special Photographer Featured in Vogue Italia!
Artist and environmentalist J Henry Fair documents the industrial detritus that society so willingly overlooks. Focused both on…
Elle Magazine interviews DIGNITY author Dana Gluckstein
Norwegian newspaper Dagens Næringsliv recently ran a very cool feature on prep, throughout which images from Take Ivy are interspersed…
pH’s own Joel Caceres demonstrates Vanity Fair‘s iPad Featurette for LEO FUCHS
Take Ivy Inspires Tommy Hilfiger!
Short Stories of the Transparent Mind in French Newspaper Libération
Revealing Mexico Featured in The Wall Street Journal