T Magazine Recommends KALI

“Flooded with swirling, multilayered psychedelic hues, Kali’s portraits, often of wide-eyed young women, can feel like the ultimate distillation of…

Advocate Quotes Harvey Firestein

“To say it in the words of Harvey Fierstein: ‘Love, commitment, and family are not heterosexual experiences, not heterosexual words,…

GVA Features DADS

“It started as a necessity. I didn’t know any other gay couple with children,” says Heynen. “Gradually it became something…

W Magazine Interviews Bart Heynen

“I felt an instant connection with most of these families, though, because you share this bond with one another—this same…

The Weekend Knack Features DADS

“The emphasis in the book is on typical domestic scenes with new babies, toddlers, teenagers or adult children, but the…