Beyond the Robe

By Bobby Sager With forewords by Robert Thurman and Matthieu Ricard

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ISBN: 9781576876381

By Bobby Sager With forewords by Robert Thurman and Matthieu Ricard

Photography / Buddhism / Science
312 pages
over 50 four-color photographs
ISBN: 978-1-57687-638-1
Available June 2013
Photography / Buddhism / Science
312 pages
over 50 four-color photographs
ISBN: 978-1-57687-638-1
Available December 201

By Bobby Sager With forewords by Robert Thurman and Matthieu Ricard

Photography / Buddhism / Science
312 pages
over 50 four-color photographs
ISBN: 978-1-57687-638-1
Approximate ship date: June, 2013
Photography / Buddhism / Science
312 pages
over 50 four-color photographs
ISBN: 978-1-57687-638-1
Available June 201

Beyond the Robe tells the story of the Science for Monks program and what it reveals about the larger role Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns can play in their monasteries, in their communities, and in the world at large. Science for Monks represents the first time in the 1,500-year history of Tibetan Buddhism that Western science is being taught as part of the monastic curriculum. Beyond the Robe is a collection of essays containing the first insights and observations that have come out of that historic effort. The heart of the book is the perspectives of the monks and nuns themselves as well as reflections from the scientists who teach the workshops. The story of the monks’ journey through science to leadership is told by many contributors. More than 30 people have contributed essays, quotes, and photographs. Bobby Sager embraces his role as a convener of their voices and uses his photography to draw the reader into the dialogue.

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